Piratske igre

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Si ze kdaj zdownloadu piratsko igro

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Post by Anonimen » 15 Jan 2006 05:36

jaz imam 5-6 originalcev :D :D :D
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Post by OzumA » 15 Jan 2006 10:28

ja sej verjamem...al pa se je ksn zajebavu.......drgac mam pa jst sam 3 original.....drgac mam pa usej piratske.. :D

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Post by Teh_SmuGGler » 15 Jan 2006 14:48

OzumA wrote:lol....gdo je dou pr voutu kako naj naredmi to.....ahahahhaahhaha....sej si se zajebavu a ne???k ce se nis pol s pa mal zaustou(brez zamere) :P
pa useen vids da so namrec en je
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Post by špiler » 15 Jan 2006 16:24

Teh_SmuGGler wrote:
OzumA wrote:lol....gdo je dou pr voutu kako naj naredmi to.....ahahahhaahhaha....sej si se zajebavu a ne???k ce se nis pol s pa mal zaustou(brez zamere) :P
pa useen vids da so namrec en je
sta že dva
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Post by Teh_SmuGGler » 15 Jan 2006 16:58

evo vids vi mal precenjujete ljudi za nkatere je tezko ze crakcat spil
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Post by BluStreak » 15 Jan 2006 17:37

Aha. In ti si sedaj tu kot velik rešitelj. Dejstvo je, da zna danes že vsak 11 letnik pri drugi svoji igri opravit vse te zadeve in no time.

Sej ne rečem. Prav je, da si/sta pripravljena pomagat samo ne pa na račun naslajanja nad neznanjem nekoga.

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Post by Teh_SmuGGler » 15 Jan 2006 17:48

ej na koga se pa nslajam sam pravm da opac eni ne znajo rade volje bi jim kej razlozu
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Post by dule » 15 Jan 2006 17:56

kista ma dej no zaklen tole žeeee
ma vsak ima doma kakšno piratski igro , mene pa ne briga kolk jih ima , 1 ,2 , 50 100 al vse !

ste razumel !!
ajde grem zdej konc nabijanja !
najdete me največ tlele:

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Post by Teh_SmuGGler » 15 Jan 2006 18:29

sej se ne pugovarjamo kdo jih ma kdo jih zan downloadat mal bol puglej drugic pa tema je cist ok
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Post by dc_man » 15 Jan 2006 19:04

Kupu sm samo WoW k drgač nemorš accounta dobit..
Drugo mam piratsko.

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Post by ahac » 15 Jan 2006 20:44

Včasih sem velik downloadal..
Če je en špil tolk dober, da ga velik igraš se za splača kupit. Ampak večina špilov je itak en shit. Zadnje čase jih downloadam zelo malo, ker se mi ne da. Grem rajš WoW igrat, kot nek brezvezen downloadan špil.

jest sm zračunov in če bi vse igre k jih imam kupil bi odštel preko 150k.
Sej ni treba vsakega špila probat.
Ravno to je fora.. večina mularije je razvajene in hočejo vsak dan nov špil. Večine jih niti ne končajo, ampak nehajo igrat, ker se naveličajo. No.. razlog za to je tudi, da so špili zadnje čase zanič. Lepa grafika.. dolgočasen špil.
Če nekaj resno igraš.. recimo WoW, CS ali karkoli.. potem nikakor ne rabiš tolk drugih špilov.

Poglejte kolk dajo nekateri recimo za cigarete! Za isti dnar bi si lahko nabavl dost špilov pa vseeno jamrajo, da so predragi.
Za probat je pa itak demo.

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Post by Teh_SmuGGler » 17 Jan 2006 16:07

ahac wrote:Vèasih sem velik downloadal..
Èe je en ¹pil tolk dober, da ga velik igra¹ se za splaèa kupit. Ampak veèina ¹pilov je itak en shit. Zadnje èase jih downloadam zelo malo, ker se mi ne da. Grem raj¹ WoW igrat, kot nek brezvezen downloadan ¹pil.

jest sm zraèunov in èe bi vse igre k jih imam kupil bi od¹tel preko 150k.
Sej ni treba vsakega ¹pila probat.
Ravno to je fora.. veèina mularije je razvajene in hoèejo vsak dan nov ¹pil. Veèine jih niti ne konèajo, ampak nehajo igrat, ker se navelièajo. No.. razlog za to je tudi, da so ¹pili zadnje èase zaniè. Lepa grafika.. dolgoèasen ¹pil.
Èe nekaj resno igra¹.. recimo WoW, CS ali karkoli.. potem nikakor ne rabi¹ tolk drugih ¹pilov.

Poglejte kolk dajo nekateri recimo za cigarete! Za isti dnar bi si lahko nabavl dost ¹pilov pa vseeno jamrajo, da so predragi.
Za probat je pa itak demo.
ja hm ja pac jihova izbera sej jim ne mors nc razn ce pulcaje puklices un pa itq ne smejo nc brez naloga pa predn ga dubijo ti lepo formateras pa skrijst pr frendu pa kja bo pol a tko to pride tud safedisce lah razdres ze z daemontools al pa z alcoholm tko da sory anpak ce jim pase jim ne mors prou dost
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Post by sarma » 17 Jan 2006 16:13

hehe jz peèm igre za fedr pukliète kopse èe bi me radi zato¾l itaq mi nè nemorte!!

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Post by Teh_SmuGGler » 17 Jan 2006 16:20

sarma wrote:hehe jz peèm igre za fedr pukliète kopse èe bi me radi zato¾l itaq mi nè nemorte!!
st ne bi biu tolk preprican ce bi biu ti velik so jih ze tko zajeb$&%
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Post by sarma » 17 Jan 2006 16:29

kwa kwa si zdej napisu???sploh ne znam prebrt!! dej napis brez napak pliiiiiisss

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Post by Anonimen » 17 Jan 2006 17:43

Kišta lock MUST
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Post by mesjah78 » 17 Jan 2006 17:54

dej ljudje naučte se pisat slovensko, če ne vam pridem na dom, pa odklopim net.

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Post by FloppyTheGod » 17 Jan 2006 18:56

mesjah78 wrote:dej ljudje naučte se pisat slovensko, če ne vam pridem na dom, pa odklopim net.
Se strinjam, naučite se formulirati stavke :D
Pirating games isn't cool or beneficial to yourself in the long run

Forget about the cost estimates you've heard for how much piracy costs the game/software industry. Forget about the fact that it is illegal or a wrong thing to do. After all, how many people really care about things that don't negatively affect them in some way?

So ignoring all the usual facets about other people, how does piracy affect you?

First off, you cant return games to most stores anymore directly because of pirating. SO many people used to buy games, take them home, copy them, bring them back to the store and repeat ad nauseum, until the stores just wouldn't tolerate losing any more money and changed their policy. A lot of people currently do not have software stores in their area that will accept returns, and when they have valid reasons for returning software (such as it was too buggy and kept crashing), they now cant, directly because of piraters abusing a previously normal service retail stores provided.

Some people might say that this is because of developers or publishers, in truth it is NOT. Retail stores maintain the right to send ANY amount of games back to the publishers and they don't have to pay for it. They can send back unopened boxes, they can send back opened boxes, they can send back damaged or crushed boxes, it doesn't matter. Retailers are in complete control over their own return policies with customers, but they ALWAYS have a return policy as far as publishers go, so they never lose.

Piracy hurts game developers and game developers MAKE games. How does this affect you? Well, imagine that instead of games we were talking about farmers. Forget the fact that software can be copied regardless of the materials they come on, or that games are data instead of an object. Just take the examples that you ingest a game similarly to you ingesting food made by a farmer.

The farmer works to create the food, that is their job, and that is their service they provide and are paid for. The game developer creates the games that you play, which is their job and they get paid for. If you steal their game, instead of buying it, then you are not giving them any money for their work. Since we are not concerned with the fact that an object is lost or not lost with this example, then the affect is the same. The farmer or developer does not make as much money as they would have if you paid for the game. How does this affect you? Well, if they cant make enough money and their company folds, or they just see that they aren't getting anywhere in the industry, they will leave for greener pastures where things are more stable.

Contrary to a lot of popular belief, developing games is NOT a privilege and no one is doing them a FAVOR by purchasing the games. They are creating a product, and as such, they deserve to be able to be paid for it, like anyone making any product. If they cant support themselves, then they will leave. This leaves the gamers with less people to make them games, which is what gamers want.

I've often heard people say that if they couldn't make money, then they weren't any good anyway. How many farmers have lost their lands because of flaky weather conditions or bad shipping of the products destroying them, or a negotiation between their purchasers not going through or getting too little for a crop because other farmers have produced more than is in demand? Does this mean these farmers aren't any good at what they do? This same line of thinking can be applied to game developers. If you disrespect them and abuse them by stealing their work you will lose people who could have otherwise made you things you enjoyed.

A final note, that may seem apocalyptic, but it isn't all that far from possibly happening. The PC game market is rather small compared to the console market. Consoles sell on average for 3-5 times more units than PC games, and have a higher hit-to-miss ratio as well. Consoles are harder to pirate, and less people do pirate them, as its not as easy to pass around information on the Internet. It is very likely that you will see more and more development companies leaving the PC market and heading for the consoles with games you might have liked to play because they will make more money on the consoles and have less of a chance of going out of business.

Granted, not all companies will do this, but piracy is a factor here, and this is a possibility. There are already a number of advantages to developing for consoles such as: consoles have standard hardware so you don't have to make 20 different versions of your routines to support all the different configurations users might have, consoles are dedicated for gaming so people who buy them buy more games than computer users, console games sell MUCH more than PC games, consoles last for an average of 4-5 years which gives you a stable platform to work on for an extended period of time as opposed to the ever changing PC API/hardware world.

There is also a misconception that game developers are rich or make a lot of money. You know about John Carmack and his famous Ferraris? There is a reason they are famous, because almost NO ONE ELSE HAS ONE. You don't hear about directors and their famous cars or mansions, because famous film directors do make a LOT of money. Its not absurd for them to live in a multimillion dollar house. Game developers do NOT make that kind of money though. John Carmack and company are very very rare in their earnings. On average game developers make about 30-50% LESS than they would if they had some other programming job.

There are more advantages and there are advantages to the PC as well, but as a gamer, you should take this into consideration if you care about the future of games, and specifically, what YOU will have available to play in a few years time.
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Post by Teh_SmuGGler » 17 Jan 2006 23:26

mesjah78 wrote:dej ljudje nauète se pisat slovensko, èe ne vam pridem na dom, pa odklopim net.
sory keyboard me zajebava zlo pa nevem zakaj pol pa k hiter pism ne putegne sploh ksnih crk :P

sry off topic
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Post by Kista » 17 Jan 2006 23:53

ne vem, ce je za zaklep... samo pocas so se ze zacel prodajat piratski spili tukej... nazaj na temo...

btw, jst sm nekje slisov da je finska (ne me ganjat, nism zih, neka skandinavija je bla :oops: ) dalec v vodstvu po torrent prometu... sej ne zadeva to samo spilov, je pa piratstvo... pa me zanima, je se kdo kej videl o tem? me prov zanima lestvica.

pirat? ne vec. ker ne igram nic vec razn cs, pa mam original in igram zelo redko, pa precej lfs s2 demo prevozim, predriftam, preskacem :P mam pa ene... mah, mogoce 5 originalnih spilov :P za seme je :P

lp, kista
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