
Stare igre so marsikdaj bolj igralne kot novejše! Pogovori o igrah, starejših od pet let, klasikah tipa Civilization ali Test Drive, o abandoware igrah ipd...

ste že igrali?

Poll ended at 21 Jan 2007 07:53

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igralec polkovnik
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Post by mesjah78 » 27 Apr 2004 07:53

a je že igral ker igro driver sam ne mislm driv3r ko je predhodnica driverja

js že prve misije ne znam zdelat ko mal testiraš avto :(

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Post by BB4l » 27 Apr 2004 10:54

heeee... to igor mam pa clo original! :)
prva misija, ja, težka je. sej so ble na netu kode, k izklučjo uro pa to, sam se ne spomnem kje
trenutno ti ne morm pomagat, da bi šu špilat, ker pod NTji igra ne dela
We ride together, we die together...BadBoys4life!!!

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igralec legenda
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Post by 2fast » 27 Apr 2004 11:09

ja jst jo mam. sam kaka je razlika med navadnim plinom in burnout(neki tazga piše tam :?:

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Post by {Soul} » 27 Apr 2004 11:19

a ne bi to spadalo bolj pod stare igre :wink:
To je moje mnenje!

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igralec polkovnik
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Post by mesjah78 » 27 Apr 2004 11:52

ja šele pol sm vidu da je iz leta 99
pa js tud mam original pa je bli sam 4 jurje

sam se tk matram pa ne gre
ma kdo kak nasvet :roll:

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Post by mesjah78 » 27 Apr 2004 11:58

sj drgač bi šlo ura ni problem sam js ne vem kre knof je za burnout pa kk se slalom nardi :(

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Post by dule » 27 Apr 2004 12:32

Code: Select all

Cheat mode:
Enter one of the following names at the high score screen to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: You cannot access any high scores achieved in the driving games when cheats are enabled.

Effect Name 
Fast cars NJW280172  
No police WAC271074  
Invincibility RUS3L  
Credits TMR300866 
Overhead view N3WJ0rk  
Skip interviews P7ttyRz  
Take a ride mode car select We4rrqdz  
Start as wanted person ANJW16696  
Invisible rallyhard  
Unlock all cheats SSHELLY  

Cheat mode (alternate):
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "mladder.dms" or "mission661.dms" file in the "scripts/missions/" folder. Make the following changes to the file to activate the corresponding cheat effect. 
Unlimited damage
Remove the following lines from the file:
MaxPlayerDamage 24576 file://( 0 ->4096*6 is range) 
Unlimited time
Remove the following lines from the file:
DebugInfo 1
Countdown 70 file://UK 60 seconds USA 70 seconds 
Set the weather
Add one of the following entries in a space following the "FelonyBarId 195" line.
Change your car
Replace the "0" in the "PlayerCarType 0" line with one of the following numbers:
0: Original car
1: Crew cab pickup
2: Luxury/pimp coupe
3: Sports coupe
4: Camaro
5: Toronado
6: Nova
7: Cadillac sedan
8: Bonneville
9: Chevelle
10: L.A.P.D. Caprice Cruiser (Horn activates lights and siren) 
11: Cadillac Coupe
12: Firebird/Camaro Z28
13: Taxi
14: Cadillac Sedan
15: Jaguar (do not select unless game has already been completed) 
16: Jaguar
17: '55 Thunderbird 
Destroy police cars with one hit
Remove the following line from the file:
CopWipeOutDamage 7000 
Drive without police intervention
This will place an inactive police cruiser directly behind your starting position. It (and all other police cars) will remain inactive unless this car is provoked. Add the following line to the file:
AddCivCar 9,0,1,0,3067, 45609, 441019 
Bomb transport
This will give you a pickup truck with the performance characteristics of the Camaro with a box on the rear. The box will explode if you drive to roughly. Add the following lines to the file:
PlayerCarType 4
OpponentBar "KaBOOM"
FailedMessage "KaBOOM" 
Unlock all cheats:
Copy the "mladder.dml" file in the game's data folder to a backup location. Use a text editor to edit the original "mladder.dml" in the game's data folder. Remove all the existing text and enter the following lines: 

Save the file and start a new career. If done correctly, only the ending sequence will appear. Exit the game, then copy the backup "mladder.dml" from its backup location to its original location. Start the game again, and all cheats will be available at the main menu. 

Bypass training mode:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "mladder.dml" file in the game's data folder. Remove the following two lines in the file: 

Hint: Easy getaway:
When you are wanted and you see a cop in front of you, drive up behind him. He will see you in his rear-view mirror and turn around to try to get you. If timed correctly, you can try to get the cop to crash into a tree or obstacle to get a great opportunity to get away.

If you are playing the Getaway game, drive at top speed on a long straight and do not crash. You will almost always get away.
Information in this section was contributed by ms. 

Hint: Driving on the sidewalks:
You can drive on the sidewalks regardless of what the manual states. Just drive slowly and do not hit any signs, cars, or other objects.

Hint: Flip your car:
To make your car do a flip, find a cop car on its side. Get some distance and ram into the bottom part of the car. If done correctly, your car will flip very high in the air.

This trick only works in San Francisco. In cruise mode, go straight until you reach a trolley track. Turn left there and go straight until you reach the end. Turn right and you will see a group of sand piles. Go over the first two immediately over the top of them then gain speed and hit the next one slightly to the side. If done at a good speed and aimed to the side of the pile so that only two wheels touch it, you will end up on your side or roof. There is an other place you can do this at. Find a nice hill and use the I-brake to slide sideways down the hill until you slightly start to turn the way you came from. Then, press the \ to do a peel out. If timed correctly, you should flip onto your side or roof. Finally, you can accomplish this move by turning right or left just before going off a jump. All of the these moves work best with a Pontiac Grand Prix (white car with ridge down hood), Chevy pickup, Dodge St. Regis police car, and the Ford Fairlane (standard San Francisco mission car).

Hint: Higher speed:
Begin game play and find a long straightaway. Accelerate until your car is over 100 mph. Release the accelerator (and burn out if in use). Hold the cruise control key to keep speeding up. 

Hint: Drive as fast as possible:
Go into one of the driving games, and when the "Enter Name" screen appears, enable the NJW280172 code. Then, win in another game and enable the We4rrqdz code. Then, enter take a ride mode, and choose the red Ferrari (one of the last cars on the list). You can now driver very fast and outsmart the cops. Also, if you want to go off jumps, do take a ride mode in San Francisco and speed over the hills.

Hint: Undercover mode:
When the mission begins, press [Esc] to enter the pause menu. Go to the big map. Find your location, then find where you need to go. Using these two locations, find the most direct route to your location to prevent confusion and loss of time by going in the wrong direction. Also, use the compass to your advantage.

Hint: Carnage Take A Ride invincibility: 
Play a carnage movie (if one was created). After it is completed, play Take A Drive, and you should be invincible (except for running into buildings).

Hint: Carnage Take A Ride airborne cars: 
Enable the "Invincibility" and "Fast cars" codes. Start Carnage Take A Ride mode, get to 175 mph and ram into a car perfectly head on. If done correctly, the other car will become airborne and sometimes never come down. 

Hint: Ending bonus:
After completing the game, you can drive any car that you drove in the missions, including the truck with the explosives, the taxi, the police car (honk the horn for sirens), and others. You can also access all of the cheats (including the Newcastle Level), but you can only drive the different cars in Take A Drive mode. Additionally, you can play any level in the game.

Hint: New castle level bridge:
Successfully complete the game to unlock the new castle level. There is a bridge that is blocked off at the very beginning of that level. Get right in front of the bridge, so you are facing it. If you look to the right, the little things with the ropes on them will appear. In between them is a small opening. Go through it to get behind all the places that are previously blocked on that level.
Hint: Avoid police chases:
Drive like you are one of the city cars and the police will not follow you unless you hit a car or building.

Find a corner with a wall on the outside of it. Turn at the very last second. If done correctly, some of the pursuing police cars will smash into it and become inactive.

Hint: Hopping pedestrians:
Enable the railroad cops, immunity, and no damage cheats. Go to Miami in take a ride mode to see people hopping instead of walking.

Hint: Ghost-like collision:
Start take a ride in mode San Francisco with the invincibility code. Set the cop difficulty to hard. Beat up some things to get the cops after you, and while at over 85 mph, ram a cop car perfectly head on. He will "glide" through your car, flip a couple times, and die.

Glitch: Drive in water:
Select take a ride mode and enable the NJW280172 code. Choose the thunderbird as your car. Get to maximum speed and hit the divider straight on. Keep holding the gas pedal down to fly awhile. If you land on your wheels, you will be able to drive on the water and on the land on the other side of the divider. 

Glitch: Bumper:
Get in the Chevy Pickup and drive straight in San Francisco until you reach a trolley track. Then, turn left and follow it to the end. Get to the sand piles and hit the first two or three of them. Look closely at the rear bumper. It will appear as if it is going through the sand pile and coming out the other side. 

Upam da so taprave !!
najdete me največ tlele:

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igralec polkovnik
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Post by mesjah78 » 27 Apr 2004 12:59

a piše kje za prvo misijo ko je reku bb4l da je lahk brez štopanja ure

ko ful ne vidm to

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igralec polkovnik
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Post by mesjah78 » 27 Apr 2004 14:49

2fast wrote:ja jst jo mam. sam kaka je razlika med navadnim plinom in burnout(neki tazga piše tam :?:
ej 2fast povej kk se burnout nardi (ker gumb)

pa kk si misijo naredu

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igralec legenda
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Post by DjTomi™ » 27 Apr 2004 15:01

jz sem v tej igri kar dalč prišu! trening: to je tisto v garaži? s tem sm se jz tud dolgo zaj***u! pol pa mi je nekako gratal pa sam nevem kko!
Msg4All: Kill all lamer's!!!!

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igralec polkovnik
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Post by mesjah78 » 27 Apr 2004 15:14

a mi lahk en pove kk gre 1. misija na keri tipki je burnout :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :naughty: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

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igralec legenda
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Post by 2fast » 27 Apr 2004 16:08

burnout si lahk sam nastaviš (usaj mislim) jst sm ga mel na desnem shiftu. 1.naloga je bla kr težka. sam jst sm jo naredu

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igralec legenda
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Post by 2fast » 27 Apr 2004 16:26

{Soul} wrote:a ne bi to spadalo bolj pod stare igre :wink:
Stare igre
Stare igre so marsikdaj bolj igralne kot novejše! Pogovori o igrah, starejših od pet let, klasikah tipa Civilization ali Test Drive, o abandoware igrah ipd...
ja spada. al jepa glih na meji med staro in splošno diskusijo

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igralec polkovnik
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Post by mesjah78 » 27 Apr 2004 19:27

a lah greš tud vn iz avta :?:

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igralec legenda
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Post by DjTomi™ » 27 Apr 2004 19:33

ne nea moreš! zato pa pride zdj driv3r
Msg4All: Kill all lamer's!!!!

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igralec polkovnik
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Post by mesjah78 » 27 Apr 2004 19:47

kk se pa slalom nardi :?:

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igralec legenda
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Post by DjTomi™ » 27 Apr 2004 20:42

med tistimi stebri se moraš turat! v eno smer pol pa še v drugo! pa sam na eni strani garaže!!!
Msg4All: Kill all lamer's!!!!

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igralec polkovnik
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Post by mesjah78 » 27 Apr 2004 21:07

ok zdj mi fali sam še burnout

kje si lahk to nastaviš :?:

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igralec legenda
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Post by 2fast » 28 Apr 2004 07:28

mesjah78 wrote:ok zdj mi fali sam še burnout

kje si lahk to nastaviš :?:
v nastavitvah(kje pa drugje)

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Post by Diablo » 28 Apr 2004 08:29

dobra igra je to. čakam na driv3r..................

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